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Pulse PEMF ISR Sherry Phillips
Pulse PEMF ISR Sherry Phillips

Sherry Hyland

Pulse PEMF Independent Sales Representative

Over 25 years of ‘in-saddle’ experience as a Grand Prix Rider and Hunter Derby Competitor as well as being a Trainer, Sherry was on a never-ending quest to improve the performance of her competition horses and riders. This quest led her to PEMF. Seeing excellent results, Sherry was hooked! She bought her first PEMF machine in 2014 and founded Equine Pulse Performance.
As a Competitor and a PEMF Professional, Sherry attends over 30 national horse shows annually. She enjoys introducing animal lovers from all walks of life to the benefits of PEMF.

Sherry lives in Richmond, Virginia with two dogs. She enjoys her three horses, showing her K-9 at the Working Dog Association and IGP competitions, traveling and family.

Machines Available for Demo:

Pulse XL PRO | Pulse EQ-XX | Pulse EQ-X1 | Pulse EQ-X

How PEMF Works

PEMF might seem like a new technology in North America, but it has been used throughout Europe and other countries for more than 50 years. 2000+ studies have demonstrated the possible benefits of PEMF, and it is a widely used supportive modality[11] for general wellness and athletic performance of animals[3,7,8] (including dogs, cats, and show, race and pleasure horses) around the world.

The Benefits of PEMF

Sherry Hyland Phillips


Complement any training program with the relaxing stimulation of PEMF.[3]
Sherry Hyland Phillips


PEMF is soothing and restorative modality.[4,5]
Sherry Hyland Phillips


The body’s holistic nature uses PEMF as a catalyst for full-body energy.[6,7]
Sherry Hyland Phillips


This amplification of natural energy[6,7] encourages the body to function more effectively for overall wellness.

The Science Behind PEMF

Ready to dive into the rich history of electromagnetic field technology and the studies that support the wellness benefits of PEMF? View this PDF to start your research journey!

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