
Disclaimer: Products featured on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended for use as medical devices. Neither PEMF systems nor PEMF accessories diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, illnesses, medical conditions, or injuries. If you are experiencing symptoms of any medical condition, you should seek the advice of your licensed healthcare provider immediately.

All Pulse products are sold ex-factory. Customers are responsible for financing, customs, duties, sales tax, and complying with any and all local laws and regulations that may apply. Customers acknowledge and agree that he/she/it bears sole and complete responsibility for determining and complying with any and all national, state, provincial or local laws relating to or concerning the use of Pulse equipment and that Pulse shall not bear any liability or responsibility should Customer use a Pulse product in violation of any such ordinance or law.

PulsePEMF products should be used as the manufacturer intended. Guidelines for proper use are outlined in the individual product user guides and training modules in online training that is supplied to each owner of PulsePEMF products.

Personal testimonials supplied within quotations or in direct statements on video, are strictly the opinions of the featured individual and should not be used to make medical decisions or otherwise interpreted as medical advice.

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