Two Delicious Winter Drinks That Beat The Cold and Boost Immune Function!

When winter arrives, we often look for ways to boost our immune system, beat the bitter cold, and meet the daily need for a comforting, warm beverage. Thanks to PulseFuel, we can have all three at once! Instead of the typical winter drinks that are expensive, immune-suppressing, and loaded with sugar, we have uncovered some better options.

Pulse PEMF has created delicious winter drink recipes for flavor and function, utilizing our body-boosting supplement, PulseFuel. PulseFuel provides full-spectrum mineral and nutrient supplementation enriched with humic and fulvic acids.[18] Optimized with organic vitamins, prebiotics, and superfoods, PulseFuel is liquid nutrition to enhance the PEMF experience – and your winter drinks!

winter drink

Feel Good Fuel

Prep time: 6-7 minutes


  • ½ cup mint green tea (brewed)
  • ½ cup peach or other fruit herbal tea (brewed)
  • ⅛ cup steamed lemonade or 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • ½ tbsp honey 
  • 1 serving of PulseFuel (15 mL)
  • Hot water


  • Brew the green tea and peach tea (steep time for both is 5 minutes).
  • Briefly heat the lemonade on stove top until it is your desired temperature.
  • In a separate mug, combine the two types of tea, PulseFuel, and honey.
  • Top with the heated lemonade and stir. Enjoy!

Pulsed Pumpkin Pie

winter drink

Prep time: 4-5 minutes


  • ¾ cup Vanilla Plant-based milk substitute
  • 1 Tbsp. Coconut Cream
  • ½ scoop Vegan Vanilla Protein
  • 1 tsp. Organic Pumpkin Pie spice
  • One serving of PulseFuel (15 mL)
  • Hot water


  • Boil 1 cup of water.
  • Add every ingredient (except the hot water) into a large mug.
  • Use a hand mixer to whip the ingredients in the mug.
  • Add the desired amount of hot water, stir with a spoon, and enjoy!

[18] For more information about this citation, visit

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