Pulse PEMF takes on London for the Health Optimisation Summit

Pulse PEMF Health Optimisation Summit

Our team was invited to take part in London’s first Health Optimisation Summit on September 14-15 at Olympia London. The Pulse PEMFteam had the distinction of being the only PEMF company attending this two-day immersive experience.

The Health Optimisation Summit featured some of the world’s best minds, technologies, and brands from biohacking, health, fitness, medical and nutrition. Some of the big names attendees included: Tim Gray, CEO of Health Optimisation Summit, Dave Asprey of Bulletproof Coffee, Dr. Harry Adelson of Docere Clinics, Dr. Mark Atkinson of Human Potential Institute, Luke Storey of the Life Stylist Podcast. The goal of the conference was to bring together like-minded community of health experts to learn, discover and challenge the way we not only look at health but how we can optimize health.  

Check out our presence at Health Optimisation Summit this year. 

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