Combining PEMF with Breathwork: Techniques to Enhance Relaxation

Combining PEMF with Breathwork Techniques to Enhance Relaxation

Feeling stressed? 

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get bogged down by daily pressures. This blog will explore how you can combine PEMF with breathwork to achieve a deeper state of relaxation and improve your overall well-being!

Introduction: The PNS and the Power of Breath 

Ever heard of the fight-or-flight response? It’s our body’s natural way of dealing with stress. But when we’re constantly stressed, it’s like being stuck in overdrive. 

That’s where the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) comes in. Think of it as your body’s chill switch. It’s responsible for promoting relaxation, digestion, and cell repair – basically, all the good stuff that helps us unwind and recover.

Breathwork is a powerful tool that can directly activate the PNS. By focusing on slow, controlled breathing, we can signal to our body that it’s safe to relax.

Breathwork and PNS Activation: A Powerful Combination

Breathwork and PNS Activation_ A Powerful Combination

The Science of Breath: Understanding the Breath-Body Connection

It might seem simple, but our breath plays a surprisingly powerful role in regulating our nervous system. When we’re stressed, our breath becomes shallow and rapid. This triggers the fight-or-flight response, putting our bodies on high alert. Conversely, slow and controlled breathing activates the PNS, sending signals to relax and unwind.

Specific breathwork exercises can be like a “hack” for our nervous system. Techniques like diaphragmatic breathing and alternate nostril breathing encourage deep, controlled breaths. This can directly stimulate the PNS and promote relaxation.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

This is a natural way of breathing that engages your diaphragm, the large muscle below your lungs.

  • Potential Benefits: Reduces stress, improves sleep, lowers blood pressure
  • How to Practice: Lie on your back with one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. As you inhale slowly through your nose, feel your stomach rise. Exhale slowly and deeply through pursed lips, feeling your stomach sink.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

This practice involves using your fingers to control which nostril you breathe through.

  • Potential Benefits: Reduces anxiety, improves focus, promotes relaxation
  • How to Practice: Close your right nostril with your thumb. Inhale slowly through your left nostril. Hold your breath briefly, then close your left nostril with your ring finger. Exhale slowly through your right nostril. Repeat, inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.

PEMF and Breathwork: A Synergy for Relaxation

PEMF and Breathwork_ A Synergy for Relaxation

PEMF works by delivering gentle electromagnetic pulses to your body at the cellular level. Research suggests these pulses may enhance overall cellular function, potentially promoting relaxation by activating the PNS.

Synergistic Effects of PEMF and Breathwork

Combining PEMF with breathwork could create a powerful synergy for relaxation:

  • Enhancing Cellular Energy: Breathwork promotes deeper oxygen intake. This may lead to increased cellular energy production, which is crucial for overall well-being.
  • Reducing Stress: Both practices have been shown to activate the PNS, potentially leading to a greater reduction in stress when used together.
  • Pain Reduction: PEMF’s potential pain-reducing effects, combined with the relaxation benefits of breathwork, could offer a more holistic approach to pain management. 

While further research is needed to fully understand the combined effects of PEMF and breathwork, the potential benefits for relaxation and stress reduction are promising! 

A Guided Breathwork Practice for PEMF Relaxation

A Guided Breathwork Practice for PEMF Relaxation

Now that you understand the power of breathwork and PEMF for relaxation, let’s put it into practice! This guided breathwork sequence is designed to be used specifically with your Pulse PEMF device, creating a deeply relaxing experience.


  • Setting Up Your PEMF Device: Follow the instructions for your specific Pulse PEMF device to ensure it’s set to your preferred settings.
  • Plug in Your Preferred Accessory: We recommend the Chair Pad or one of our Whole Body Beds, if available.
  • Choosing a Comfortable Position: Find a quiet, comfortable space to position yourself on your Pulse PEMF accessory. 
  • Starting Your PEMF Session: Turn on your Pulse PEMF device, and adjust it to an intensity that is comfortable to you.

Diaphragmatic Breathing (First 5 Minutes):

  1. Focus on deep, slow breaths: Close your eyes and gently place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  2. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4. Feel your stomach gently rise as your lungs fill with air.
  3. Hold your breath for a count of 2.
  4. Exhale slowly through pursed lips for a count of 6. Feel your stomach sink as you release the air.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for 5 minutes. Focus on the natural rhythm of your breath and allow your body to relax with each exhale.

Alternate Nostril Breathing (Next 5-10 Minutes):

  1. Balance your nervous system: Bring your right hand to your face. Gently close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale slowly through your left nostril.
  2. Hold your breath for a count of 2. Pinch both nostrils shut with your thumb and ring finger.
  3. Exhale slowly through your right nostril for a count of 6. Keep your left nostril closed with your ring finger.
  4. Inhale slowly through your right nostril for a count of 4. Keep your left nostril closed.
  5. Hold your breath for a count of 2. Pinch both nostrils closed again.
  6. Exhale slowly through your left nostril for a count of 6.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 for 5-10 minutes. Alternate sides with each inhale, creating a continuous breathing cycle.

Mindful Breathing (Remaining Time):

Continue mindful breathing for the remaining time of your PEMF session.

  1. Focus on the sensation of your breath: Release your hand from your face and simply observe your breath.
  2. Let go of any tension or stress: Notice any thoughts or worries that arise, but don’t cling to them. Instead, gently bring your attention back to the feeling of your breath.

Tip: Feel free to adjust the length of each breathing exercise based on your comfort level and the duration of your PEMF session.

Conclusion: Unlocking Deep Relaxation with PEMF and Breathwork

Ready to unlock the potential of PEMF and breathwork for deep relaxation? 

Contact Pulse PEMF today to learn more about our PEMF devices and how they can help you achieve a more relaxed and stress-free you. 

Remember, taking charge of your well-being starts with small steps. Give PEMF and breathwork a try, and see how these powerful tools can transform your approach to relaxation!

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