Introducing: the newest addition to the Pulse PEMF Human Accessory line-up. The Cube!  The Cube’s innovative design provides one square foot of powerful, deep Pulse saturation for numerous uses. From …

Biohacks range in their mechanisms, time commitments, accessibility, and price but tout similar benefits – recovery, energy, relaxation. Wellness enthusiasts looking for the next great biohacking stacks are wondering… What’s …

While there are numerous liquid superfood and vitamin supplements on the market, Pulse PEMF wanted to offer something unique. We set out to create a product that is rich in …

If you’ve ever taken a basic biological science course, you probably learned about homeostasis. It’s the self-regulating process by which an organism maintains stability while adjusting to conditions that are …

The jaw plays a crucial role in both speaking and chewing. In addition, the jaw holds the teeth in place and is crucially connected to the neck. When a client …

The shoulders hold several key functions in the human body, including stabilizing and holding the arms in place and allowing the arms to move up and down, side to side, and in circular patterns. In addition, they also serve as levers, enabling us to lift things. Let's discuss the mechanisms within the shoulder as well as how to work shoulder support into your wellness regimen.

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