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Pulse PEMF Dr. Patti Bartsch
Pulse PEMF Dr. Patti Bartsch

Dr. Patti Bartsch

Dr. Patti Bartsch is the leading expert in getting wellness devices and services fully booked and adding significant revenue to practices. She broke 6-Figures in PEMF revenue in her first 9 months. She trains practitioners across the globe in maximizing the revenue generated by PEMF in their human or animal-based practice.
Dr. Bartsch is in the unique position of being able to test ideas in her own naturopathic practice, enabling her to create programs that have been fully implemented and optimized. In addition to self-paced coaching programs, Dr. Bartsch has developed training webinars and courses for a variety of wellness technology companies. She combines her knowledge of the wellness industry and top-notch education and training skills with her fun, charismatic teaching style to create valuable content that participants grasp and enjoy.
Dr. Bartsch’s coaching clients consistently report earning back their investment in her coaching programs before they even complete the training. Learn more at https://wellnesspracticegps.com/.

Dr. Bartsch's practice has the following Pulse PEMF machines in use:

  • 3 Pulse PEMF XL-PRO's
  • 1 Pulse PEMF EQ-XX
  • 2 Pulse PEMF EQ-X Rentals
An image of Pulse PEMF machines

Pulse PEMF

Industry Leading PEMF Technology

We’re making a meaningful impact inthe health and wellness industry with our PEMF technology. Pulse PEMF is all about improving lives, educating, and empowering wellness professionals… and people have taken notice!

The Benefits of PEMF

Dr Patti Bartsch


Complement any training program with the relaxing stimulation of PEMF.[3]
Dr Patti Bartsch


PEMF is soothing and restorative modality.[4,5]
Dr Patti Bartsch


The body’s holistic nature uses PEMF as a catalyst for full-body energy.[6,7]
Dr Patti Bartsch


This amplification of natural energy[6,7] encourages the body to function more effectively for overall wellness.

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